Mobile Applications Development with Kotlin

Number of trainees

8-16 trainees per group

Application and pre-screening period

1 to 2 months

Training Period

3 months


Help companies grow by training motivated and talented juniors with less to no experience to become the next superior developers

What are the benefits for you:

We can help, advise or carry out an extensive pre-screening process in order to attract the most prospective candidates.

The program and the training schedule is entirely tailored to fit your company’s needs technology wise and in regards to the days in which the training will be conducted.

Detailed feedback about everyone’s performance is provided by the trainer during weekly throughout the whole training and at its completion.

You will build up your own talent and have people who are loyal and motivated as part of your team.

You can benefit from reusing the whole process of building up a training academy and implement the same with minor adjustments for another technology/team/etc.

Conducting free trainings for people and giving them the opportunity to start their career in the software development industry will boost your company’s image and recognition. 

The training and the pre-screening process can be delivered entirely by our team and you won’t need to spend any of your human resources.

Here is an example program for a 3-months Android with Kotlin academy:

Weeks 1-4

The first four weeks are the so-called “Programming Fundamentals” part of the academy. Lectures are held 4x2 hours or 2x4 hours a week (depending on the client's preference). Students go over the Kotlin language syntax and basic programming concepts such as bitwise operations, algorithms, data structures, object-oriented and functional constructs. Students have at least two homework tasks per week (a total minimum of 8).

Weeks 5-6

During the fifth and sixth week, lectures are still be carried out two or four times a week (2x4 hours or 4x2 hours). Students start learning frameworks and libraries that are mostly relevant to the client's Android technology stack.

Weeks 7-12

Within the second half of the program, lecturing continues with the same cadence. Meanwhile, students are be split into two teams and each team is assigned a project - an Android application. The back-end for the project is coded, hosted and maintained entirely by our team. Projects are again based on the client's technological stack and are as relevant as possible to the company’s needs. Students work following the agile methodology and the framework can be either Scrum, Kanban or the one that is most relevant to the company’s teams.


• Create relevant learning materials and homework tasks

• Eight hours per week lecturing

• Provide feedback to trainees’ homework

• Assist the trainees during the project assignments with code reviews & advice